The Tao of Improv
Workshop with Kevin Gillese from Atlanta/USA on April 24th 2023 from 6pm to 9pm
In this workshop we will explore how contrast, tension and opposites can be used to create compelling stories, characters and moments in improvised theatre. This is a deep dive into Kevin's personal improv philosophy that he has crafted over the years inspired by Taoist philosophy. This perspective can easily slot in alongside any other approach to improvisation, and is appropriate for everyone from new improvisers to seasoned veterans. Come join us as we use drama to create stronger comedy, stillness to create more impactful movement, and silence to make each word more powerful. And while we study the craft like the serious artists that we are, we'll also remember to play and have fun, because otherwise what's the point?
Kevin Gillese is a Canadian comedy guy. He was the Artistic Director of Rapid Fire Theatre in Edmonton for a while, then he was the Artistic Director of Dad's Garage in Atlanta for a really long time. He has written and directed lots of theatre, and most recently he wrote and produced the film "How to Ruin the Holidays". Kevin is an all-time-favourite guest in Würzburg and we are thrilled to have him back!
Condition of participation:
Open to anyone who has basic experience in improv
Workshop language: English
Price: 50 € / 40 € for members of the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival e.V.
(Contact us here for a “Fördermitgliedschaft”)
Register here for the workshop!
Our partner in setting up this workshop is the Nowhere Akademie.