Slow: Stage 2

Participants: Advanced Level (with previous knowledge on Slow or an acting background)
Instructor: Marko Mayerl & Matthieu Loos from Strasbourg & Lyon/France

The workshop will be taught in English

We think we have to work so hard when we actually have to do so little.
True creation comes from a place of discovery rather than invention. Following that philosophy, Marko Mayerl and Matthieu Loos have developed a style of improvisation that helps the actor reveal what is already there. Slow is, simply, to let a scene appear by itself. It requires patience, simplicity and honesty, and brings more truth to our work.
In this workshop, the participants are invited to take Slow to the next level. They will first engage in their immediate surroundings through movement and physicality and revisit concepts such as the “matter worker” and the “observer” to get ready to start devising scenes. They will then get to know new notions like the “premise” and the “choreographic gesture” in order to internalize the technique more deeply. All previous acting practices are welcomed in this workshop to help have good materials to work with on stage.
The stories we are about to tell are already written within us.

Workshop factors: Emotional, Physical, Some grounding in acting skills useful, a balance of Active and Reflective


Marko Mayerl is artistic director of Inédit Théâtre based in Strasbourg and now lives in London. He created original impro concepts like Catch-Impro, A Woman and a Man, and the Marathon de l’impro which is a crazy, non-stop show lasting a full week. He loves to experiment with the relationship between the audience and the act of creation. He incessantly explores the poetic narration of the world he’s living in.

French actor and director, Matthieu Loos has been trained as an improviser, fascinated by the act of creation. Teaching and performing improv, he has been travelling all over the world for more than 20 years. For ten years, he has co-managed one of the most innovative french improv groups: Et Compagnie. In 2004, he founded his Compagnie Combats Absurdes, in order to direct improvised and scripted theater plays, which he still does and loves.

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