21st Würzburger Improtheaterfestival 2023
Würzburger Improtheaterfestival 2023
Higher, faster, further, more? This year we say no to the constant striving for growth. After two extraordinary years due to the pandemic and a big anniversary wingding, we are longing for a small, cosy festival with space and time for intensive work but also for real interpersonal contact. Fewer workshops, thus fewer participants and the chance to get to know everyone. A cosy brunch on Sunday, where we have time to talk about the festival weekend and the state of the world. Afterwards, enough time to finish the content work on the last day of the workshop.
Unchanged: the chance to attend selected workshops with wonderful impro enthusiasts, a varied show programme and a team that puts a lot of heart and soul into the festival.
Are you in the mood for three intensive days of impro theatre in October in a family atmosphere? Then grab one of the few workshop spots quickly! We are looking forward to seeing you!
Programme & Tickets
Pre-Sale starts 18th September
Pre-Opening: In bester Gesellschaft
Improvisiertes Kammerspiel, das die Tragik und Komik unseres Miteinanders entlarvt
Wednesday, 25th October 2023
Start: 7.30 PM
Venue: Theater Augenblick
In German
Was, wenn man sich plötzlich in einer Wohngemeinschaft wiederfindet, die so ganz anders ist, als man selbst? Wenn man unerwartet in eine fremde Welt hineingerät, wo sich zwischen Putzplan, Sukkulente und Komposteimer jederzeit eine Diskussion über Sprechgeschwindigkeiten, korrekt aufgehängte Regalbretter oder die gesellschaftliche Grundrichtung entzünden kann? Wo die Grä-ben tief sind und die Brücken zahlreich? Wo man trotz des hellen Wahnsinns in bester Gesellschaft ist?
Denn Annika und Paula sind Schwestern. Sie hecken Pläne aus, unterstützen sich in Schwierigkei-ten und gehen gemeinsam durch Dick und Dünn. Aber sie könnten nicht unterschiedlicher sein. Wenn Pech und Schwefel mal wieder am Explodieren sind, brauchen sie ihren Mitbewohner, der bei diesem Spektakel im Rampenlicht steht und der beklommene Dritte im Bunde ist.
Diesmal wagt sich in die WG der Schwestern in der Überzahl (Lena Försch und Nadine Antler) der Chefredakteur der Main-Post: Ivo Knahn.
Vorverkauf: 14,00 Euro (10,00 Euro ermäßigt) zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse: 18,00 Euro (14,00 Euro ermäßigt)
Tickets für diese Show gibt es über die Schwestern in der Überzahl
Foto: Uschi Mattke
International Opening Gala: MaestroTM
Spectacular competition to kick off the festival
Thursday, 26th October 2023
Beginn: 8.30 PM // Admission: 7.30 PM
Venue: Bockshorn
In English and German
It is the gladiator fight of improvised theater. Because who stands triumphantly in the spotlight at the end is decided by no one other than the audience. Don't worry, no one will be wounded. But the stakes are high: only one actor can claim the coveted prize money of five euros - and the title of "Maestro"! This year we will again open the Würzburg Impro Theater Festival with this classic show and invite the crème de la crème of our festival guests on stage. Let the games begin!
Direction: Nadine Antler
Music: Jannis Kaffka
In advance: 16,00 Euro (12,00 Euro reduced) plus advanced booking fee
Box office: 20,00 Euro (16,00 Euro reduced)
Foto: Patti Varasano
Double Feature: Loriot improvisiert & Moni und Tini – wenn die gute Laune bröckelt
Kuriose Bürgerlichkeit und zwei taffe Schlagersternchen bringen uns zum Lachen
Friday, 27th October 2023
Start: 8:30 PM // Admission: 8 PM
Venue: Theater Augenblick
In German
Inspiriert von Loriots unverwechselbarem Sprachwitz zaubern Romeo Meyer von und Emilia Weber von anundpfirsich in „Loriot improvisiert“ schräge und lustige Dialoge auf die Improbühne, die Loriot zwar geschrieben haben könnte ..., aber nie geschrieben hat.
Eine improvisierte Show geprägt von bizarr-komischen Missverständnissen und dem Versuch, durch bürgerliche Umgangsformen Katastrophen zu verhindern und dabei alle Würde zu wahren.
Ein Abend als spontane Hommage an Viktor von Bülow alias Loriot.
Monika Eßer-Stahl und Martina Schütze aus dem Ensemble Tsurigo bringen dagegen die heile Schlagerwelt auf die Improbühne.
Moni und Tini lieben ihre Schlager, mit denen sie kleinere Säle füllen und Freude in die Welt tragen. Sie sind erfolgreiche Geschäftsfrauen, die Karriere, pubertierende Kinder und Familie unter einen Hut bringen. Glück allein und gute Laune pur. Doch was, wenn die gute Laune bröckelt?
Wir blicken hinter die Kulissen und erleben so, wie das Leben jenseits der Bühne spielt. Die improvisierten Schlager und Songs werden gemeinsam mit dem Musiker Jannis Kaffka aus dem Moment heraus erschaffen.
Vorverkauf: 14,00 Euro (10 Euro ermäßigt) zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse: 18,00 Euro (14 Euro ermäßigt)
Foto: Patti Varasano
Double Feature: Sound Off! & SpeakEasy
Stories that need no words, and where words become poetry
Friday, 27th October 2023
Start: 8.30 PM // Admission: 8.00 PM
Venue: Cairo
In English
The Impro Duo Bemme & Melange from Vienna sets out on a new adventure. In „Sound off!“ they enter a world in which language doesn’t matter.
Completly without words, immersed in an atmosphere of sounds and songs, the two actors Ursula Anna Baumgartner and Anne Rab step into the unknown. Inspired by audience suggestions of character, setting and surprises, they ride a rollercoaster of improvised emotion and comotion where only one thing is certain: nothing is certain.
In SpeakEasy we embark on a journey full of words! Dave Morris and Missie Peters from Victoria, Canada's „Paper Street Theatre“ combine their experience in theatrical impro and slam poetry into a narrative with heart, soul, rhythm and rhyme. They skillfully weave poetry, storytelling and theatre together on stage — all created in the moment, immersing the audience in an improvised story not to be forgotten!
SpeakEasy has been performed at festivals across Canada as well as in London, Berlin, Bucharest and Amsterdam.
Musik: Eric Ziegelbauer
Vorverkauf 14,00 Euro (10,00 Euro ermäßigt) zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse 18,00 Euro (14,00 Euro ermäßigt)
Foto left: Sarah Baum; Foto right: SpeakEasy
A thruthful performance of arts, feminism and the topic of sex and sexuality
Saturday, 28th October 2023
Start: 8.30 PM // Admission: 8.00 PM
Venue: Theater Augenblick
In English
4 are alive. 3 have careers. 1 is rich. 4 want a change. 3 are happy. 4 are feminists. 2 are mothers. 3 feel alone. 2 are political. 4 are badly paid. 1 just wants sex. 4 lost someone. 2 won't ask. 1 is still smiling. 2 are religious. 2 are heterosexual. 1 is polyamorous. 2 are depressed. 1 doesn't shave. 2 own apartments. 4 are middle class. 2 are searching for a lover. 4 are from different countries. 3 don't believe in true love. 1 is a communist. 4 have vaginas. 2 nearly quit theatre. 4 enjoy improvisation. 2 fear the unknown. 3 are precarious workers. 2 are afraid. 3 are brave. 4 play.
4play is a performance devised by Mary Shelley's Mothers: Beatrix Brunschko (Austria), Nele Kießling (Germany), Maja Dekleva Lapajne (Slovenia) and Rama Nicholas (Australia). The show is an amazing combination of performing arts, feminism and the topic of sex and sexuality. It's a fusion of personal confessions, playful movement encounters and, foremost, improvisation. This time the piece will be performed by Beatrix Brunschko, Rama Nicholas and Maja Dekleva Lapajne, so technically it will be a 3some rather than a 4play.
Vorverkauf 14,00 Euro (10,00 Euro ermäßigt) zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse 18,00 Euro (14,00 Euro ermäßigt)
Foto: Mathieu van den Berk
Songs from the Sofa
Musikalische Weltumarmung mit Petra Pohl
Saturday, 28th October 2023
Start: 8.30 PM // Admission: 8.00 PM
Venue: Chambinzky
In German
Ein einzigartiger Mensch on the sofa! Petra Pohl ist zu Gast beim Würzburger Improtheaterfestival. Gemütlich auf dem Sofa sitzend wird sie interviewt von der charmanten Nicole Erichsen, die ihr nie gehörte Details entlocken wird, welche das Festival-Ensemble des Abends wiederum zu nie gehörten Songs inspirieren werden. Das Publikum folgt musikalisch einem Leben und staunt über die Facetten, die das Sofa enthüllt. Weiteratmen ist angesagt. Und weitersingen, denn die Geste der Weltumarmung ist immer noch die größte Geste, die wir machen können.
In dieser Hommage an die Welt des Songwriting werden Lieder improvisiert und groß in Szene gesetzt. Make it bigger! Inspiriert durch wahre Ereignisse und die Begegnung mit Petra Pohl.
Musik: Jannis Kaffka, Simon Brumm und Ebbi Grözinger
Petra Pohl hat vor 20 Jahren als Quereinsteigerin ihre Buchhandlung erlesen in Grombühl eröffnet. Die wurde kürzlich schon zum vierten Mal mit dem deutschen Buchhandlungspreis ausgezeichnet. Ein Grund dafür ist sicher das Herzblut, das Petra in alles steckt, was sie anpackt. Anpacken ist ihr eh am liebsten. Von Kulturveranstaltungen über soziale Projekte, von der Leseförderung bis zur Stadtratssitzung. Solange es auf dieser Welt etwas zu verbessern gibt, scheint Petra nicht still sitzen zu können. Vier Töchter hat sie auch noch großgezogen. Viel Stoff also für einen Abend.
Vorverkauf 16,00 Euro (ermäßigt 12,00 Euro) zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse: 20,00 Euro (ermäßigt 16,00 Euro)
Von gescheiterten Beziehungen und den Souvenirs, die bleiben
Saturday, 28th October 2023
Start: 8.30 PM // Admission: 8.00 PM
Venue: Keller Z87
In German
Der Glückskeks-Zettel vom Lieblingsasiaten, der vor drei Monaten geschlossen hat. Die Setlist des letzten gemeinsamen Konzerts. Der kleine Kaktus – ein Geschenk zum Jahrestag –, der nun bei jedem Blick zum Fensterbrett im Herzen pikst. Aber deshalb die Pflanze verenden lassen?
Viele von uns besitzen Souvenirs gescheiterter Beziehungen, von denen wir uns nicht so recht trennen können. Versteckt in der Schublade, eingelagert auf dem Dachboden oder stolz und trotzig im Regal zeugen sie von dieser einen Liebe, einer besonderen Freundschaft oder von Nummer 16 scharf, die man nie mehr bestellen wird.
Aber irgendwie nerven diese manchmal Gegenstände auch. Wohin mit diesen Sachen, die zu schade sind zum Wegwerfen, aber zum Behalten zu lästig? Bringt sie mit in diese Show!
An diesem Abend teilen Schauspieler*innen und Publikum Geschichten gescheiterter Beziehungen. Zwischen Tragik und Komik zelebrieren wir alte Erinnerungen und kreieren neue. Entscheidet am Ende selbst, ob Euer Souvenir wieder mit nach Hause darf oder vom Festival-Team entsorgt werden soll.
Entwickelt von Carina Odenbreit, die dazu vom Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb inspiriert wurde.
Musik: Peter Huber
Vorverkauf 14,00 Euro / ermäßigt 10,00 Euro zzgl. VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse 18,00 Euro / ermäßigt 14,00 Euro
Foto: Patti Varasano
12 hours of intensive work
You can choose one of three workshops from our wonderful workshop leaders. For twelve hours you will dive deep into a topic with other impro theatre enthusiasts to explore it.
Please note our conditions of participation and the level system.
PS – for "old hands": the organisational procedure has changed a little compared to the last years: Tickets are sold via Yesticket, so there is no lottery, and participants organise their own accommodation. The Youth Hostel is of course available and remains the smartest option, especially for late risers who like to fall out of bed into the workshop. You'll get more information after registration.
Code of Conduct
We have developed a short code of conduct to ensure that everybody feels safe and happy and can get the most out of their experience at the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival. Reading through this code will give you an idea of our festival philosophy and values.
Cancellation of your workshop place
Until July 31st you can cancel your workshop spot and we will refund your festival fee minus an administrative fee of 30 Euros. If you cancel your spot after July 31st, we can only refund your participation fee minus the administrative fee of 30 Euro if we can fill your place - you are also welcome to suggest a person.
No liability can be accepted for self-inflicted accidents, wardrobe, damage to property and lost items.
The level system helps us building homogeneous workshop groups to ensure that everybody gets the most out of their workshop experience.
Ta(l)king your head off!
Teacher: Sten Rudstrøm from Berlin/Germany
Level: level-less
Language: English
Price: 250€ regular // 210€ reduced*
Duration: Friday, 27.10.23, 2pm until Sunday, 29.10.23, 2pm
This workshop is a journey into the colorful, explosive, experiental world of speech.
Text is more than information. Words are more than mental constructs. Language is an actually body experience. Each letter, each word, the sensations in our mouths, tongues, teeth and breath can be the driving force of our improvisations. Our body sensations don’t hesitate, they don't contemplate what should or needs to be said, they lead us. Giving attention to your body experience will change every „I don’t know“ into endless imagery.
In this workshop, Sten Rudstrøm guides the participants to connect their language, voice and body. No longer be limited by what you think you should say. You will allow yourself to be led by the experiencing of language.
This workshop is not your classic impro theatre class. Be prepared to expand your horizons.
Sten Rudstrøm has been working in the field of improvisation for the last 30 years. He teaches and performs internationally, founded the European Action Theater Ensemble and is a member of Streugut, an improvisation ensemble with artists from different discipilines.
In 1986, he met Ruth Zaporah (developer of Action Theater™) and has continued to work with Action Theater™ since that time, now being is one of the few Certified Senior Teachers. With Satu Palokangas, he has developed „The Core of Expression“, a somatics and improvisation embodiment training that currently tours internationally. His workshops are inspiring, exciting and challenging.
This is what Shawn Kinley says about Sten's work: „For more than 30 years as an improviser, I am always looking for the state of ease and flow with my mind, body and heart. Too often those elements are out of sync on stage, leading to performance that is more work than play. Sten Rudstrøm's workshop is filled with eye opening insights and exercises that create full being fluidity. If you have the chance to participate in one of his workshops, do it. Your entire being will be happy that it did!“
The Poetry of Improv
Teacher: Missie Peters from Victoria/Canada
Level: 2 - Advanced
Language: English
Price: 250€ regular // 210€ reduced*
Duration: Friday, 27.10.23, 2pm until Sunday, 29.10.23, 2pm
This workshop guides you through the beautiful world of spontaneous poetry. We will explore techniques such as finding and building metaphors, playing with language and layering meaning. You will learn to find the beauty in the moment and give your scenes and stories more weight. You will see how a turn-of-phrase can turn a scene from playful to poignant and how language can inspire yourself and your partners - and lead you right into the hearts of the audience.
Missie Peters is an improviser and spoken word artist from Victoria, Canada. She is a founding member of Paper Street Theatre, a company that creates impro that feels like theatre, and one half of the improv duo SpeakEasy with Dave Morris. She is the former Artistic Director of the Victoria Spoken Word Festival and a two-time Victoria Slam Champion. She loves to play with language and find the beauty in the moment. She has performed her poetic style of impro across Canada and at European festivals including Berlin, Amsterdam, Bucharest and London.
Teacher: Rama Nicholas from Melbourne/Australia
Level: 3 - Professional
Language: English
Price: 250€ regular // 210€ reduced*
Duration: Friday, 27.10.23, 2pm until Sunday, 29.10.23, 2pm
Explore your dark side in this workshop about playing authentic Villains. Recently toured in Israel, Belgium and Sweden with excellent feedback from participants, this workshop asks, 'How do we get good at being really bad?' For most of us it feels very unnatural. But, every great hero needs a great villain to overcome. Villains can be integral to a story. In this workshop we explore how to bring out our inner villain – not in a 'pantomime' way, but dark, dangerous and unpredictable, animating offers and characters we would never have dreamed of before. It also explores why we might be afraid of playing the bad-guy on stage. Because of the nature of the work this workshop requires absolute commitment, trust and openness from all participants.
Rama Nicholas is a multi-award-winning comedian, actor, improviser, writer and director from Melbourne/Australia. She is known for her critically acclaimed one-woman multi-character solo shows, which are a unique blend of intricate character comedy and incredible storytelling. Rama is an original member of the acclaimed ‘Orcas Island Project’; fifteen experienced improvisers from around the world come together every year to create and perform cutting edge improvised theatre. She is the creator of three highly sought after improvisation formats and workshops – ‘Close to you’, ‘The Wishing Tree’ and ‘Gypsyprov’ which have been showcased in many countries. Rama travels the world performing, directing and teaching improvisation with numerous international theatre companies and festivals. Her philosophy as a teacher and performer is to always be curious and creative. She believes improvisation is an art-form to be explored, with endless possibilities whether comedic or dramatic; she aims to truly inspire.
* Categories such as students, employed, etc. do not always reflect the actual financial situation. Please decide for yourself if you are able to pay the regular price or if you need a discount. We trust that the reduced price will benefit those who really need it.
We would like to thank all our partners, sponsors and venues for their support and the long time cooperation.
We also want to say thank you to our patron, the Mayor of Würzburg, Christian Schuchardt!