Würzburg Improtheaterfestival presents: Maestro™
Competition of the improv performers!
The competition of all competitions is back: The Maestro™
On (almost) every last Tuesday of the month, you have the opportunity to watch your favorite improvisers of Würzburg and great guests from all over Germany in a tough battle.
Those who have seen the Maestro™ know that in no other improv show do the players work up such a sweat as in this one. Only the bravest improvisers dare to enter the ring to prove their skills. Sometimes they risk their necks, sometimes they play their way right into your hearts. In the end, there can only be one winner - and you decide who!

Stand on stage yourself?
For improvisers, there will be a workshop in the Cairo (concert hall) before the show at 6:00 pm. Everybody interested is welcome! At the end of the workshop, the ensemble of the evening will be put together. So there is a chance to be on stage the same evening! But you can also participate in the workshop without playing in the show.
New: As the number of participants is limited, we kindly ask you to register at info@improtheaterfestival.de. Registration for the workshop includes a seat in the audience.