the weekend is over and we hope that you had a wonderful festival! Before the blues have a chance to set in, there is already something great on the horizon: The wonderful David Razowsky is coming to Wuerzburg in December, to deliver a weekend workshop in the Cairo. On the Sunday evening, David will direct a show involving all participants interested in taking part.
There are still a few places free, so if you are interested in coming back to Wuerzburg - or didn't have the chance to participate in the festival workshops this year - now is the chance!
Dear Würzburg, dear international guests! Today the advance sales for all shows of this year's festival - our 15th anniversary - begins. Hooray!!!
Nachrichten //
01 September 2016
Sean McCann becomes workshop teacher
Unfortunately Alan Cox had to step back as one of our workshop teachers this year. But we are delighted to announce that Sean McCann, also from The School of Night in London, will be filling his space. Sean, we are very excited about having you on board!
Nachrichten //
18 August 2016
Das Würzburger Improtheaterfestival präsentiert: Maestro™
Würzburgs Improspieler*Innen machen sich fit für das baldige Festival und stellen sich dem ultimativen Wettkampf ...
Nachrichten //
09 August 2016
Another workshop is underway
Big news, everyone: We’re delighted to announce that we will offer a 7th workshop at the festival taught by Mats Eldøen from Oslo/Norway - good news for 14 people from the waiting list! We’re super happy that Mats will be there for the festival… and not just to teach a workshop by the way. But more about that, when we release the show program. Which is SOON.
Nachrichten //
17 May 2016
Come to Würzburg!
Ladies and Gentlemen - The application process for the 15th Würzburger Improtheaterfestival starts NOW!
Starting today you’ll have two weeks (until May 31st) to apply for one of our weekend workshops and one/two of our Thursday classes. If that’s not enough for you we have good news. To celebrate our anniversary we decided to add an extra day to the festival and let it start on Wednesday, Oct. 26th already with a special show. Come to Würzburg early and celebrate with us! We can’t wait to have you here!
The division into different levels is meant to help forming homogenous workshop groups during the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival to allow participants to work on a similar level.
Maja Dekleva Lapajne beim 15. Würzburger Improtheaterfestival mit einem Workshop zum Thema "Digging Deeper: Uncovering new ways to make contact with the audience".
So there will be six weekend workshops... but that's not everything. For all of you who would like to get the most out of their festival experience we have good news. We will additionally offer four three-hour classes on Thursday. They will be taught by:
In the past four months we have been busy restructuring our organization. Many things have changed, but not our motivation to set up an amazing festival for you! Here is the team of the 15th Würzburger Improtheaterfestival: Luisa, Christoph, Kathrin, Lena und - new on board - Alex!