We are delighted to present yet another highlight of the international improv scene shortly after the festival. The fantastic Rama Nicholas will return to Würzburg to present her format „Close to you…“ with an international cast at the theater ensemble on November 29th and 30th. Get your tickets now! For more info on the show, go here!
The team thanks you for all the nice encounters, the fun and cohesion that we expierenced again in this great community. Much love from Würzburg! Your festival team
Wanna participate in a workshop at the festival? We have a few open spots! Just fill out the application form and we will get back to you!
Nachrichten //
16 September 2019
The pre sale has begun!!
We are super excited to announce that the pre salee for the festival shows has begun! Twelve awesome shows are waiting for you guys! You can buy tickets online on this website. Have fun browsing through our programme!
Nachrichten //
08 May 2019
Yeah! The application process is starting!
It. Is. Happening. Today we open up the application process for all the workshops at the 18th Würzburger Improtheaterfestival! Until May 22nd you can fill out the form and your application will automatically go into our lottery. Afterwards we will draw names from all the applicants to allocate the workshop spots. Good luck to all of you! #ifwue #workshops #application
The division into different levels is meant to help forming homogenous workshop groups during the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival to allow participants to work on a similar level.
The workshop teachers for 2019 have been selected! We are happy to present you the great team of eight! Registration for the workshops starts on May 8th.
In October the Improtheaterfestival will again fill various stages in Würzburg with all kinds of shows from the international improvisation scene. You and/or your group would like to become a part of this varied program? You have the chance to present your show format at the 18th Würzburg Improtheaterfestival! Between 30 March and 27 April you can apply. More information and the application form can be found at Shows or directly to the form.